Phone doctor plus quote plus physio plus Bachs
A busy day which started with a phone consultation with Dr Joanne, who, very nicely, was just doing a regular check-in on how I was going. She assured me that I could have an AstraZeneca vaccine. Then one of the quoters for the veranda tiles came to give his quote, which even after adjustment, after he'd seen the shock on our faces, was three times the other quote. He's a nice man, but his opening gambit didn't seem promising. Then P. made some very nice guacomole for lunch which we had with salmon patties. We are lunching well with spatchcock yesterday. I then went off for the physio class at the health centre. They are working us a bit harder now though Rosa from the next street, who is older than me, WALKS to the health centre. I catch the bus. In any case, time for a short nap before going into town where we had a good meal as usual at Superhiro (ex-Yoyogi) then went to hear the Melbourne Chamber Orchestra at the Recital Centre for a splendid program of the J.S. Bach children, Carl, Willie and Johann (not any relation to Dr Joanne). The piano concerti by Carl and Johann were played with panache by Aura Go. Home again for Donald Trump mucking up foreign affairs and getting ready for Mansfield.