A bit of a roller coaster today. First, P. went off to the health centre for his blood test results which were okay. Then I had a phone call from the federal Administrative Appeals Tribunal about my appeal against Centrelink demanding a refund of an overpayment which they made. This was the hearing. Centrelink didn't front but provided 31 (!) pages of evidence. The man doing the hearing was quiet and careful and will deliver his verdict within three weeks. I doubt I'll win, but you never know. It hinges on whether I received the payment in good faith (in a legal sense, whatever that is). Then in the arvo, I spilt my afternoon gastro-tube feed, probably by forcing the syringe too hard. Vanilla muck everywhere. Quite shaken, I then found the tape securing my tube was loosening so I tried to fix it, without much success. We headed to town for a Yoyogi meal (for Frank and P., not me) and in the eatery my tube disengaged and fell to the floor. We then went to the Arts Centre for 'Banquet of Secrets' by Victorian Opera, written by Steve Vizard (words) and Paul Grabovsky (music). He also led the ensemble on piano. It was an absorbing piece (90 minutes without interval, which seems to have become almost standard) and quite moving and amusing, beautifully performed by the cast of four plus the waitrines. An excellent musical/opera and, possibly with a bit of fine tuning, worth a second run. Tomorrow morning, a visit to Maxillo-Facial at the Hospital. I've no idea what they will say or whether they will notice the tube has gone. Tonight I managed to finish my eating orally and take my medicaments orally, so maybe I can dispense with it. It would be a huge relief.