Good munga and wine and good theatre
On Thursday night, P., Frank and I went to Pope Joan in Nicholson Street where we were joined by Kit and Ben B. down from Sydney. Scion Wines and the inestimable Rolly had organised a splendid dinner in cahoots with Matt Wilkinson of Pope Joan. After nibblies, we had rabbit schnitzels, then mushroom and clams (very spicy), then slow-cooked wallaby, followed by a very tasty dessert. A good time was had by all (cliche, cliche). Next night, P., Frank and I had a quick meal at Tiamo (quite tasty; they've lifted their game) then went to the Courthouse Theatre where we were joined by Kit and Ben again for Noel Tovey's farewell performance(s) of 'Little Black Bastard', his one-man show. I'll believe the farewell when I see it, but this version was especially poignant and harrowing. Now settling in for a quiet weekend to recover from my bad cold.