It's been a fairly busy week with lots of activity about my Dad's moving house and the upcoming auction. Last night, P. and I went to the ever-reliable Yoyogi. I like it because it gives me an extra fish dish for the week (and it's tasty). We then went to the State Theatre for 'Don Pasquale' by Donizetti. Gripe, gripe, re the Oz Opera. Programs at $20; very large, very glossy with pics from the Sydney (!) production last year. The production, directed by Roger Hodgman, was excellent and was as good as one you could see anywhere. The conducting of Orchestra Victoria by Guillaume Tourniaire was superb and the orchestra obviously loved him. The set, costumes and chorus were excellent. The cast were uniformly good, but not excellent, and this is where Oz Opera lets us down. If they want to do these classic pieces, they have to do them very well, not just competently. The other gripes are: one set of surtitles in a neck-craning spot, rather than multiple round the place which is and can be done electronically by other companies, and the irritation of the black legs to adjust the size of the stage to fit the tiny Sydney Opera House stage. I am beginning to think we might be better off if they stayed in Sydney and the money was used by the Victorian Opera to better effect.
This morning I went to the hospital to see the vampires. For some reason, the first vampire had trouble extracting any blood but the second was successful. Yay!