Pacific Highways
I finished the restructure of the autobiography and sent it to the author who seems pleased with it. 'Priceless' was the word used. I await its return in a new form. Once restructured, it will need a deal of cutting unless the author does it themself in the course of reorganising it. Preparations proceed for China but there are still a deal of small things to do: shopping, money etc. On Wednesday night, I went to the Wheeler Centre to a Griffith-Review-organised session on their latest issue 'Pacific Highways' which is about NZ and the Pacific. It's a very good and interesting issue. The panel, chaired by Julianne Schulz, the editor, consisted of the co-editor Lloyd Jones and authors Alison Wong and Anton Blank. Their Q & A on the panel was interesting and the questions were good. Wong came up with an idea about how national traits are fostered by landscape: in Australia, you get in a car and just drive in straight lines, in NZ, you twist and turn and go up and down. New Zilanders are better at innovation and accepting new ideas (like gay marriage), she said.