Terribly arty-farty
On Tuesday night, we joined Lorraine E. to wander through the Rick Amor opening at Niagara Galleries in Punt Road. There was a very arty-farty audience, but the paintings were good, ranging from a starting price of 22,000 (dollars) to a top of 100,000. We didn't get out our chequebooks.
On Wednesday, Noel T. joined us for the Victorian Opera Albert Herring. It was well played and sung, though the production didn't ever find an appropriate style. It was the same problem as the Malthouse Threepenny Opera, though in this case why have a fairly gloomy set for such a sunny opera (albeit with undertones). The music was very enjoyable though.
Friday was P.'s day off so we went to the National Gallery (St Kilda Road) for the Viennese exhibition, which is full of treasures, especially some of the Werkstatte teasets which are superb. The paintings aren't bad either. Unfortunately, the exhibition is a bit short on sociological detail (where did the money come from for example or who was Jewish). Overall, a very worthwhile show. Also, not to be missed, is the selection of colonial prints and drawings way upstairs. It is a splendid and illuminating collection of some of the earliest white Australian depictions of the country.